Project Update: Yambil Street Stage 4 - Nothern Side Works Nearing Completion

Residents are advised that works on the northern side of Yambil Street Stage 4 are nearing completion.

Works completed include the installation of subsoil drainage, power and data conduits for street lights, kerb and gutter, footpaths, and hot mix asphalt for the road. Pavers are being installed and the kerbside trees are being planted this week. The centre lane gardens, medians and parking spaces will be installed at a later date.

It is anticipated that the eastbound lane will be re-opened to traffic mid to late next week at which time the westbound lane of Yambil Street Stage 4 will be temporarily closed to traffic for works (see diagram below). Motorists are advised to follow signage and be cautious when navigating the area.

Residents and businesses are reminded to take note of traffic restrictions in the surrounding areas. As previously communicated, Banna Lane remains a one-way westbound only lane, and entering from Kookora Street is strictly prohibited and enforceable by police.

We thank the community for their patience and cooperation as we work to complete these important upgrades.

Please contact the Project Administration Support Officer on 0439 573 671 if you have any enquiries or concerns regarding the Yambil Street upgrade. Thank you.

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