The refurbishment work on the 9ML Drinking Water reservoir on Scenic Hill is now complete. A separate project with its own budget, being the painting of a mural, is now under way. The 9ML Drinking Water Reservoir on Scenic Hill was constructed circa 1950. The surface of the steel reservoir has experienced external surface pitting due to corrosion and mechanical damage, and while spot recoating had been carried out in the past, a comprehensive refurbishment was required to ensure the reservoir’s longevity and to extend its operational life.
The reservoir's existing prime coating, which was the original layer applied when the structure was first built, consisted of a Red Lead primer. Since Red Lead is an environmental hazard, its presence made the refurbishment works more complicated than just a “repainting” and compliance with the environmental safety requirements for lead removal was crucial. The 9ML reservoir refurbishment contract was awarded by Council in November 2023 via a tender process at a cost of $987,715 excl. GST and this contract work has now been completed.
As a separate project, Council has budgeted to have a mural painted on the surface of the refurbished reservoir. The budget for the mural is $80,000.
Renowned artist HEESCO will bring this mural to life, incorporating themes of water, multiculturalism, agriculture, manufacturing, and Indigenous/First Nations heritage. These themes were selected by Councillors to reflect and celebrate the diverse community of Griffith. The mural is expected to be completed in the first week of October.
During this period, motorists and pedestrians are urged to follow all signage in place around the site, including a speed zone reduction to 40 km/h on sections of Remembrance Drive and Scenic Drive in the vicinity of the reservoir.
Visitors are encouraged to use the Pioneer Park carpark for viewing this impressive artwork. For the safety of all, everyone is reminded to be aware of their surroundings and to stand well clear of the road when taking photographs of the mural.
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