Amended Rates – Payment By Community Organisations Policy Fs-cp-202

At the Ordinary Meeting of Council held 23 July 2024 it was resolved that the draft amended Rates – Payment by Community Organisations Policy be placed on public exhibition for a minimum of 28 days. Council is required to notify the public and provide the opportunity for submissions regarding this document.

The draft amended Rates – Payment by Community Organisations Policy may be viewed at the Council Chambers, 1 Benerembah Street Griffith, the Griffith City Library and here: Draft Amended Rates – Payment by Community Organisations Policy

Anyone wishing to make comment on the draft amended Rates – Payment by Community Organisations Policy can do so in writing addressed to the General Manager, Griffith City Council, PO Box 485, GRIFFITH NSW 2680 or make a submission using the button below:

Submissions received will be included in a report to be presented to an Ordinary Meeting of Council. As such, copies of all submissions (including the writer’s name and address) will form part of Council’s Business Paper and be available to the public. Should you wish to have your contact details withheld it is recommended that you request this in your submission.

Comments or submissions will be received up to 4pm, 22 August 2024.

August 2024

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July 2024

  • Amended Rates – Payment By Community Organisations Policy Fs-cp-202
    Amended Rates – Payment By Community Organisations Policy Fs-cp-202

    Amended Rates – Payment by Community Organisations Policy FS-CP-202 is now on exhibition

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