Griffin Green - Affordable Housing Project

Griffin Green - Affordable Housing Project

The Griffin Green Affordable Housing project represents a partnership between Griffith City Council and Argyle Housing with $6 million of Commonwealth funding secured from the Building Better Regions Fund.

Argyle and Council have both allocated $3 million to support the $12 million project which has been developed to provide new affordable housing options in Griffith.

Latest Update: February 2024 
The 20 Town houses and 42 build ready lots are due for completion end of March 2024. New park will then be constructed by Argyle Housing on the vacant land at centre of development.

The Development will also include a full basketball court, modern playground and a community centre (funded by the NSW Government and Argyle Housing). 

Council is now seeking opinion on the green space area for landscaping and cultural heritage interpretation.
The first draft concept design is below:

If you wish to make any comments or provide feedback click here


The project is being delivered in stages:


Status Stage
Underway Stage 1a (DA 235/2020) included the excision of a seniors housing complex from the remainder of the site to facilitate the transfer of ownership from the NSW Land and Housing Corporation to Griffith City Council. It also included a road extension between the existing cul-de-sac in Snaith Place to the existing cul-de-sac in Garton Place and the creation of a lot within a 3352m2 portion of the site that will contain the future Stage 1b of the project. Civil construction works are presently underway to complete Stage 1a and prepare the site for Stage 1b.
Tender Process Stage 1b relates to the construction of 20 affordable housing units by Argyle Housing under DA 28/2021 which is presently being assessed by the Western Regional Planning Panel. The 20 units would gain access from the Garton Place extension being delivered under Stage 1a and would also have frontage and pedestrian access to Walla Avenue.
DA Submitted
  • Stage 2 is proposed as part of the Development Application (185/2021), and includes:
    • 32 single dwelling allotments ranging in area from 400 m2 to 504 m2.
    • Three multi-dwelling lots (1041 m2, 1148 m2 and 801 m2).
    • One lot for a new community park, including a basketball court, playground equipment, turfed open space and tree and shrub planting – to be formerly designed post approval (4613 m2).
    • One lot for a green corridor connecting Garton Place to the community park (529m2).
    •   One lot for the future construction of a community centre (753 m2).

The proposal also includes the following:

  • Partial closure of Thomas Place (end of cul-de-sac).
  • Construction of a new road commencing at Thomas Place, wrapping around the proposed community park and ending at Heath Crescent.
  •  Construction of a road extension from Snaith Place to the new road. 

The cost of Stage 2 is $3.1 million which is below the $5 million threshold for the development application to automatically be determined by the Western Regional Planning Panel as per Schedule 7, State Environmental Planning Policy (State and Regional Development) 2011.


Remediation (Dave Taylor Park) - Finalised

The remediation of the mound at Dave Taylor Park commenced on Monday 19 April. The process was undertaken by removal specialists, Liberty Industrial, who safely removed contaminated material from the park. The now compelted works were overseen by health & safety experts, Greencap. 


The Dave Taylor Park Remediation Fact Sheet includes information about the mound and contaniments; the remediation process; how long it will take.

Download the fact sheet here - Community Fact Sheet - Dave Taylor Park Remediation

Downloads - Media Coverage 

11 December 2020 - Griffith City Council to begin first stage of Griffin Green Works
5 January 2021 - Griffith City Council to start works on Dave Taylor Park
15 June 2021 - Pioneer residents highlight preferences for Griffin Green
10 July 2021 - Social Housing in Griffith


Downloads - Media Releases

Griffin Green set to move forward
Griffin Green Affordable Housing Project set to get underway


June 2024

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    Works on the Hanwood Stormwater Pump and Levee are progressing well with the focus now on the installation of the 1500mm Stormwater Pipeline and Pits.

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February 2024

September 2022

August 2021

  • Griffin Green - Affordable Housing Project
    Griffin Green - Affordable Housing Project

    Information on the Griffin Green Affordable Housing Project beginning in early 2021. The project aims to create 20 affordable housing properties and a further 40 lots in South Griffith, NSW.

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    A new Mountain Bike Track is being constructed at Abattoir Road, Griffith after it was given the green light at the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Tuesday 10 October 2023.

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Griffith City Council Websites