Uniting Griffith
24hrs / 7 days a week
With 24/7 nursing care, we help manage your health, medication and personal needs. Whether you’re moving in permanently or for a short respite stay, our dedicated team knows the importance of learning about you and supporting you in what matters.
Bupa Aged Care is one of Australia’s largest private providers of residential aged care with over 65 homes and caring for more than 6,000 residents. At Bupa, we offer the full range of care, including respite and specialist dementia care.
Our passionate team are committed to making a positive difference in the lives of our residents every day. Our homes are led by a General Manager, with Clinical Managers (Registered Nurses) to oversee our residents’ medical care. Every Bupa home has access to a Registered Nurse 24-hours a day, and they are supported by a multidisciplinary care team.
Bupa’s purpose is longer, healthier, happier lives.