Your Vision Our Future - Community Strategic Plan Review

Council is asking all residents to actively participate in shaping the future of Griffith and its villages.
The Community Strategic Plan (CSP) is being reviewed. It is Council's key plan and provides direction and focus for all subsequent plans and strategies for Griffith over the next decade.

How you can get involved -  February to August 2024:

Over the next six months there will be opportunities for the community to get involved and have their say.
We will be out and about attending community events, popping up in shopping centres, hosting workshops and you can also get involved by completing our surveys or submission form.

Engagement opportunities include:

Your Vision, Our Future Survey and Submission Form:

Complete our survey here: Your Vision, Our Future Survey  
Or make a submission here: Submission Form

Council Cafes at Kooyoo Street Kiosk:

  • Thursday 21 March 2024 - 10am – 11.30am
  • Thursday 18 April 2024 – 10am – 11.30am
  • Thursday 20 June 2024 - 10am - 11.30am
  • Thursday 18 July 2024 - 10am - 11.30am

Pop-up Council Cafes:

  • Seniors Expo - Tuesday 19 March 2024 - 10am -2pm - Griffith Central
  • Riverina Field Days  Site W2- Friday 10 & Saturday 11 May 2024 – Griffith Showgrounds
  • Sounds of Autumn – Community Gardens - Friday 19 April 2024 - 4.30pm – 8.30pm
  • Griffith City Library - Wednesday 5 June 2024 - 10am - 12pm
  • Griffith Central - Friday 26 July 2024 - 11.30am - 1.30pm
  •  Local Government Week Special Council Cafe - Thursday 1 August 2024 - Griffith Central - 10am - 1pm

Community Opinion Group (COG) Meetings:

  • Thursday 23 May 2024 - Griffith City Library – 6pm
  • Tuesday 6 August 2024 – Hanwood – 7pm

You can also share your views at our facilities: 
Your Vision, Our Future boards will be available to add your ideas to.

With our community’s help, we will identify:

  • our long-term vision
  • key priorities for Griffith
  • and our biggest challenges

The plan will guide how this will be achieved.

The final plan will address the following questions:

  • Where we are now?
  • Where do we want to be in 10 years’ time?
  • How will we get there?
  • How will we know we have arrived?

The CSP  will consider state and regional plans and priorities as they apply to Council.

As part of this review process we will also be utilising all data/feedback collected during engagement activities since 2022.

Previous Reviews: 
Imagine Griffith - Guiding Griffith 2040 review carried out in 2020/21

Thanks to those resdients who helped us review our Community Strategic Plan (CSP).

Your valuable feedback helped ensure that the future vision, ideas, and actions in the new CSP 2022-2032 continue to meet the expectations of Griffith.

Please find a link to an overview of the feedback received here.

You can view the new Community Strategic Plan 2022-2032 here

Griffith City Council Websites