Griffith U3A Inc
Retired? Join Griffith U3A Inc for enjoyment, fellowship and learning.
U3A stands for “University of the Third Age” – there are no academic qualifications, assignments or examinations, and no awards. U3A is a world wide organisation where retired people from all walks of life get together to teach and learn from each other. It originated in France and has spread from there throughout Europe, Asia, Australia and New Zealand.
Classes are run by local people like yourself in a friendly, social atmosphere. In Griffith, meetings are held during school terms at the Griffith Senior Citizens’ centre, 47 Canal Street, Griffith. The present programme:- Mondays 10am – 11am; Wednesdays 2pm – 3pm; Thursdays 1.30pm – 2.30pm.
Each meeting is followed by morning or afternoon tea. The fee is $40.00 per person per year – you can attend all meetings, or only those which interest you. Come along to a meeting to see if you would like to join.
New members are always very welcome.