Murrumbidgee Lachlan Group - CWA of NSW
A network of support & friendship for women, who are also committed to improving conditions & welfare of families & providing a voice to government at all levels.
Murrumbidgee Lachlan Group comprises Branches in Barellan, Coleambally Argoon, Goolgowi, Griffith, Hay, Hillston, Murrami, Rankins Springs, Tullibigeal, Yanco & Yenda
The CWA was formed in 1922 when country women were fighting isolation and a lack of health facilities. Within the first year, the Association was a unified, resourceful group that was going from strength to strength. The members worked tirelessly to set up baby health care centres, fund bush nurses, build and staff maternity wards, hospitals, schools, rest homes, seaside and mountain holiday cottages - and much more. The women of the CWA have been initiators, fighters and lobbyists. They have made localities into communities by providing social activities and educational, recreational and medical facilities.
Women in NSW and ACT can join a local branch and have a voice in the nation's affairs, socialise with others and assist the community
Eligibility Criteria
Open to all women in remote, rural and regional areas of NSW