Intereach Griffith offers a range of services under one roof. These include Community Transport, Commonwealth Respite & Carelink Centre, Ability Links, ROAR (Youth under 18 years & their families) and Tenant Participation Resource Service. Look up the service name for additional information.
Our vision is strong, supported communities. We work together with children, families, older people, carers and people with disabilities to provide services, support and information throughout the Riverina Murray region of New South Wales. We have offices and Community Hubs in Albury, Buronga , Cootamundra, Corowa, Deniliquin, Finley, Griffith, Hay and Wagga Wagga.
Our purpose, is to:
• strengthen and improve social and personal well-being for individuals, families and communities;
• promote and facilitate access, equality and social justice; and
• deliver services locally that are of quality and have value.